Main » 2011 March 25 » Script Decompiler12:43 PM Script Decompiler |
Compiled AutoHokey scripts are possible to decompiler using a decompiler program designed for AutoHotkey itselft. You can read more about the decompiler scripts on this post. There are lot of decompiler scripts available. I chose one of the bests decompiler I found. This is the modified script of sleepyy335.
Code menu,utility, Add,Download the Exe2Ahk Decompile cmd utility,MenuHandler1 menu, myMenuBar, Add,utility,:utility menu,help, Add,Help,MenuHandler2 menu,help, Add,About,MenuHandler3 menu, myMenuBar, Add,Help,:Help gui, menu,MyMenuBar Gui, Add, Edit, x156 y63 w250 h20, Gui, Add, Button, x416 y63 w30 h20 gBrowse1, ... Gui, Add, Edit, x156 y93 w250 h20, Gui, Add, Edit, x156 y123 w250 h20, Gui, Add, Button, x416 y93 w30 h20 gBrowse2, ... Gui, Add, Button, x76 y163 w390 h20, Decompile Gui, Add, Text, x76 y53 w80 h30,AHK exe file to Decompile Gui, Add, Text, x86 y93 w70 h20,Exe2Ahk Gui, Add, Text, x86 y123 w70 h20,Password Gui, Show, x170 y110 h246 w557, AHK Decompile script 1.0 Spath = %A_ScriptDir%\Exe2Ahk.exe Gosub, GetSpath IfExist, %Spath% GuiControl,,Edit2, %Spath% Return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MenuHandler3: msgbox, AHK Decompile script 1.0 a script to Decompile Ahk compile scripts script by (^sleepy^) 1-22-05 `r`n`r`nModified... return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MenuHandler2: run, return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MenuHandler1: URLDownloadToFile, ,%A_ScriptDir%\Exe2Ahk.exe IfExist, %A_ScriptDir%\Exe2Ahk.exe { Spath = %A_ScriptDir%\Exe2Ahk.exe Gosub, GetSpath foundit = %Spath% GuiControl,,Edit2, %Spath% } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Browse1: FileSelectFile, SelectedFile, 3, , Open a, ahk compiled script (*.exe) if SelectedFile = { MsgBox, You didn't select anything. Return } else { Spath = %SelectedFile% Gosub, GetSpath GuiControl,,Edit1,%Spath% } return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Browse2: msgbox,1,,Decompiler will now search for the Exe2Ahk Decompile cmd utility! IfMsgBox, Cancel return SplashTextOn,,,Searching..., Loop,C:\Exe2Ahk.exe, , 1 ; Recurse into subfolders. { foundit = %A_LoopFileShortPath% } IfExist, foundit { FileCopy, %foundit%, %A_ScriptDir%\Exe2Ahk.exe Spath = %A_ScriptDir%\Exe2Ahk.exe Gosub, GetSpath foundit = %Spath% GuiControl,,Edit2, %Spath% } else { Gosub, MenuHandler1 } SplashTextOff return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GetSpath: Loop, %Spath% { Spath = %A_LoopFileShortPath% } Return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- buttondecompile: ControlGetText, AHKfile, Edit1 ControlGetText, E2AHK, Edit2 ControlGetText, EXEpass, Edit3 IfNotExist, %E2AHK% { MsgBox, Error. EXE2AHK not specified. File not Decompiled. Return } else { RunWait, %E2AHK%%A_Space%%AHKfile%%A_Space%%EXEpass%,, Hide StringTrimRight, dcomp, AHKfile, 3 dcomp2 = %dcomp%new dcomp = %dcomp%ahk IfExist, %dcomp2% { msgbox,4,,Decompiled file already exists. Overwrite? IfMsgBox, No { FileDelete, %dcomp2% MsgBox, File was not decompiled return } else { FileMove, %dcomp2%, %dcomp%, 1 } } IfExist, %dcomp% { MsgBox, Decompiled Ok. `r`n`r`n%AHKfile% msgbox,4,,Open file for editing with Notepad? IfMsgBox, Yes { Run, Notepad%A_Space%%dcomp% } } else { MsgBox, File was not decompiled } } dcomp= dcompnew= return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GuiClose: ExitApp You can download here the Exe2Ahk.exe or download it using the script above. Remember that you can only decompile scripts that have no passwords. If you can decompiler scripts with passwords if you know the password basically. Happy decompiling. |
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